Where to buy gold coins

Buy Gold Coins For Sale

Buy Gold Coins For Sale and be ready for any adversity. The founding fathers of our country knew how irresponsible any government could be and took precautions so as not to let history repeat itself.

They knew that paper money without proper backing would eventually destroy the monetary system. Deliberate inflation of paper currency expands the power of the government, but will in time destroy the life savings of its citizens. Buy Gold Coins For Sale at well known coin where to buy gold dealers and precious metals houses.

Thomas Jefferson wrote that deficit spending was more dangerous than a standing army because it burdens future generations and Jefferson went on to say that it was a swindle on a large scale.

Daniel Webster wrote that of all the forms of cheating the working class, paper money is the highest form of cheating. Printing paper money is a contrivance of the government and is done with intent, and the intent is not honorable.

Buy Gold Bullion Coins For Sale and be prepared for the future. For well over 100 years the monetary system had been stable. The reason being that where to buy gold every dollar was backed by gold and silver. It even stated that fact on the Federal Reserve Notes "Payable to the bearer on demand in Gold or Silver Coins"

Buy US Gold Coins For Sale. Things changed in 1913. Congress created the Federal Reserve System. It issues worthless where to buy gold paper money not backed by anything. Just read the front and back of a present day Federal Reserve Note. It is not backed by anything!

In 1933 President Franklin D. Roosevelt made it illegal to own gold with an exception for coin collectors.

Buy American Eagle Gold Coins For Sale. Congress has always financed its deficit spending by directing the Federal Reserve to print the money it needs. There was NO inflation at all while the Federal Government was small and the U.S. was on a gold standard.

In the future, deficit spending is going to get worse, and a massive debt of $12,000,000,000,000 (12 TRILLION dollars) will destroy our economic system because there is no way that amount where to buy gold of money can be repaid. It will just grow and grow until a collapse, or a restructuring resets the debt back to zero. This swindle can't be continued much longer.

Can this really happen to the United States? It already has happened once before, during the Civil War and now we are again on the brink of a disaster.

The government is in the process now of destroying the value of our money and life savings. Now is the time! BUY GOLD COINS.Buy US Gold Coins, buy American Eagle gold coins, buy gold eagles, buy Austrian gold coins, Buy gold dollar coins, buy gold bullion coins, and buy Canadian gold coins.